Ring in the New Year with your family with the fun New Years Game. These conversation cards are perfect to use at your New Years party or as a fun game with your family. Simple cut them apart, put them in a bowl and take turns pulling one out and answering the prompt. It is a fun way to ring in the new year!
2019 has been a bit of struggle for my family. It has been one of the best and one of the hardest years of our life, a mixed-bag of sorts. I am actually looking forwarded to closing out the year and starting fresh in 2020.
There was so many adventures this past year and this fun New Years game makes it fun to see what the kids or our friends are looking forward to the most in the new year while talking about their best moments of the previous year.
New Years Conversation Cards – A Fun Family Activity
We have a lot of fun New Years Activities that we enjoy doing. The New Years Eve Countdown is something the kids enjoy doing and I love that they can participate no matter what time it is since our kids can’t ever seem to stay up until midnight.
We also love reminiscing about the past year and talk about what we want to do or accomplish in the next year. These aren’t really resolutions, they are more like what we wish for in the new year. These printable conversation cards are perfect for this. We like using them as a family, but you can use them at your next New Years party with friends as well. It is a fun way to get people excited for the upcoming year.
Click here to print your free New Years Conversation Cards.
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