Learning how to get crayon out of clothes isn’t as difficult as you might think and you certainly don’t need to bring them a professional. There is no need to freak out when you open the washing machine and see your entire load of laundry covered in a colorful waxy mess. I have found it to be as easy as just a few simple steps.
How to get Crayon out of Clothes
I am a first-grade teacher. I come home with broken crayons in my pants all the time. Mostly I remember to take them out before I put them in the washing machine. Well, the other day there was a straggler. One small broken, red crayon caused an entire load of laundry to become pink. It was a disaster. The load consisted mostly of my husbands work clothes and needless to say, we both freaked out just a little. I needed to learn how to get crayon out of clothes. I was determined to try to somehow perform a mommy miracle and learn how to get melted crayon out of clothes. With a little bit of research, I figured it out.
My method worked like a charm! The only bit of melted crayons I found was on the inside of my husband’s workout shorts. It is a shiny, silky material and the mesh pockets still have a little pinkish red to them. Since they are on the inside of his shorts, it really didn’t matter. I call that a win!
In my panic to fix the situation, I didn’t think to snap a picture beforehand, but here are my husband’s work pants after I was finished!
Not only did I need to get the pink out of the clothes, I needed to also get the melted crayon out of my dryer. That process was a little bit easier.
Getting Melted Crayon Out of Clothes
What you will need:
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Cleaning Pads, 8-Count BoxPalmolive Ultra Original Dish Washing Liquid, 10oz – 2 Pack
Tide 8317 High Efficiency Laundry Detergent, 170 Fl. Oz.
- I set my washer to the sanitize cycle (basically the cycle with the hottest wash temperature).
- I programmed in a short soaking period (15 minutes) at the beginning of the cycle.
- Next, I used my liquid dish soap (I had Palmolive Original Ultra Concentrated) and squirted about 4 tablespoons right over the clothes.
- Add your detergent as normal. I have precision dispense and so my washer used the exact same amount I would normally use for a load of laundry.
- Finally turn the cycle. If you don’t have a programmed soak cycle, fill up the washer and then manually let the clothes soak in the hot water for 10-15 minutes. I have also read that you can pour boiling water over the clothes, but I didn’t try that.
While that was working, I turned my dryer on for a few minutes and then using a magic eraser, I cleaned up the residual crayon mess that was left behind. You want to be sure to do this so that you don’t accidentally get any more wax on your clothes a second time.
When the washer cycle is finished (my entire cycle was about 2 1/2 hours long) check your clothes and repeat if necessary. I got all of the crayon mess out on the first cycle.
Let me know if it works for you!
How to Get Wax Out of Clothes
I have found that the process of how to get wax out of clothes is just a little different than how to get crayon on out of clothes. If you ever find that you have dripped candle wax on your clothing, you will need to react a little differently but you can still save your clothing in just a few simple steps:
- Allow the wax to dry! Don’t touch the wax until it fully dries. Trying to do anything to it before it is dry may just make your problem worse!
- Once it is dry, it is time to start to begin to remove the wax from your clothing. Get a dull knife scrape as much of the wax as you can off of the clothing.
- Once all the wax you can remove from your clothing is gone, it is time to remelt the wax! The best way to do this is to iron it with a paper towel on the was side of the clothing. You’ll see that the wax stain is beginning to be removed from the clothing.
- Once all of the was is out of the clothing, you will probably still see a can from the color of the wax. Just add some liquid dish soap to the spot and let soak for 20 minutes.
- Run the wash cycle as normal and let air dry. Congratulations! You have learned how to get wax out of clothes!
I found this tutorial helpful on how to clean your dryer after this happens to make sure no more wax gets on your next load of laundry. I hope it helps.
Mary says
This worked like a charm! Thanks.
Megan says
I would never have guessed red crayon would come out after going through the drier but it worked!!! 95% gone! Thank you!!!
Mom says
Yay! I am so glad this method worked for you!